Buy any two items from the ZR Football Capsule and get a third item from the same capsule for free.

Terms & Conditions

  • Only items listed under the ZR Football Capsule collection are eligible for this promotion.
  • How to Redeem: Add three (3) items from the ZR Football Capsule to your cart and the lowest-priced item will automatically be discounted to $0 at checkout.
  • Promotion is available while stocks last.
  • Discount will apply automatically at checkout when eligibility criteria are met.
  • If returning part of a qualifying order, the refund will be adjusted to reflect the value of the items kept.
  • If two items are returned, the remaining item will be charged at its original full price.
  • Promotion cannot be retroactively applied to recent orders.
  • Promotion not valid in conjunction with any other discount code including rewards points.
  • ZANEROBE reserves the right to modify or cancel the promotion at any time without prior notice. By participating, you agree to these terms and conditions. This offer is subject to all applicable terms, and standard return policies still apply.