Creative Individuals Who See No Boundaries.
Name – Ryan Millier
Instagram – @ryanmillier
Where you from? – Toronto, Canada
Current Employment – Self employed
What do you shoot with – Whatever camera I have on me!

How did you get started / Was there a moment you remember first falling in love with photography?
I remember using photography as a way to escape from my minimum wage 9-5 job I had at the time. I started taking photos with my iPhone 5 almost 6 years ago, shooting symmetry, reflections in windows or puddles, look ups, rooftops etc. I instantly became addicted to it. I was shooting almost 7 days a week when I could. That first year of shooting was probably the most inspiring and fun. It was like being a kid again, seeing the world for the first time. Everything was so exciting. I knew I had found something I loved doing and I haven’t looked back since.
What was your first big gig?
I had a few in the span of a few months that at the time all could of been considered really big, but it was probably my first road trip with Jaguar (thanks to my friend @cole_younger_ who recommended me for the job), where I knew for sure that my passion had just become my career.
What are some opportunities you’ve had that wouldn’t have happened without sharing your work on Instagram?
Oh man - I hate to say it but probably most of them. From any campaign I’ve done with PUMA, to the Jay-Z 4:44 tour, without Instagram and the support from the community who have given me a platform to share my work and be recognized, I don’t think major brands would really know about my work. The power of social media as a tool for creatives to find their niche and brand themselves and thrive in business is very real. I among many others are living proof of it. Don’t get me wrong, where there’s a will there’s a way. I’m confident that without social media I would have still found a way to make my passion work as a career, in hindsight I’m just thankful for the way it all ended up working out.
Describe your current style.
I’m always aiming to reinvent my style, I don’t like to limit myself or put myself into a box creatively.
What other Artists are you currently following?
I have a lot of love for @takubeats I remember listening to an early Soulection episode where him and Joe Kay were talking about how to grow your social media following and Ta-Ku kept saying how being authentic and real would attract people over time to finding your work. I have a lot of respect for people like Ta-Ku that are passionate creators across multiple mediums. I also really look up to people like @jasonmpeterson and @dylan.shwartz. Incredibly talented photographers that also have a ton of experience in the advertising business and have major accolades like Super Bowl commercials under their belt, which is something I’m definitely working towards.
What are some of your goals for 2019?
My goal every year is to take a look at where I’m at and the work I’m doing and ask myself if there is more that can be done. I know for a fact that I’ve only just scratched the surface of my potential and I’m excited for 2019 to be the year a lot of the projects I’ve been working on behind the scenes come to fruition.